Meeting Time: October 23, 2024 at 6:30pm PDT
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Agenda Item

VI.A) Presentation: allcove Beach Cities (Ali Steward)

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    Executive Director StopBCHDcom 5 months ago

    With regard to the allcove building, BCHD has accepted $6.3M in funding from the state, requires $9M more in funding for building according to Measure BC, and has incurred a 30 year operating requirement for the building and the allcove services for LA County SPA8 (1.4M population) with long term funding. Despite the fact that BCHD failed to calculate the 30 year cost of servicing SPA8, we have and it is $172M. BCHD was malfeasant or misfeasant in the failure to compute the cost prior to signing the contract.