BCHD accepted the financial burden of allcove Beach Cities, a program that is 91% non-resident service area, without conducting any analysis. BCHD confirmed the lack of analysis in its response to CPRA request.
As a result, StopBCHD computed the burden, which we estimate to be nearly $175M across the 30-year required building and program operation resulting from the $6M building grant.
BCHD accepted the financial burden of allcove Beach Cities, a program that is 91% non-resident service area, without conducting any analysis. BCHD confirmed the lack of analysis in its response to CPRA request.
As a result, StopBCHD computed the burden, which we estimate to be nearly $175M across the 30-year required building and program operation resulting from the $6M building grant.
Details of the computation can be seen at: