Meeting Time: December 13, 2022 at 6:00pm PST
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Agenda Item

Discussion and Potential Action Item: Staff is recommending the Board adopt Resolution #586 of the Board of Directors of the Beach Cities Health District authorizing the District’s execution of the A141 Design-Build Agreement and related Assignment and Assumption Agreement in connection with the development of the Phase 1 of the Healthy Living Campus project

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    Mark Nelson almost 2 years ago

    Whereas PMB LLC is a private company;
    Whereas PMB LLC or its SPE will be 100% owner of the building commonly called the "RCFE" or "Phase 1" by BCHD;
    Whereas BCHD's ownership share of Phase 1 is 0%;
    Whereas PMB LLC or its SPE will lease acres of Public Owned and Zoned land for up 95 years;
    Whereas BCHD will pay PMB LLC or its SPE to rent space in the PMB LLC building;
    Whereas Article XXVII. Major Changes in Allowable Land Use specifically applies to land allocated to BCHD;
    Whereas Article XXVII. Major Changes in Allowable Land Use specifically designates the conversion of Public Land to a Private Use as a Major Change.
    Whereas the City of Redondo Beach has previously ruled EXPLICTLY that leasing public land to a private RCFE developer for private use by RBUSD constituted a major change;

    That same act by BCHD clearly triggers the need for a Vote of the People under Article XXVII. Major Changes in Allowable Land Use.

    Documents to be executed by BCHD demonstrate the 100% ownership of PMB LLC, the 0% ownership of BCHD, the conversion of public land to a private use, and the failure of BCHD to declare its need for a Measure DD vote.